‘The Student Survey in Germany’ is the most comprehensive survey of all students in Germany to date. It integrates several previously separate surveys under one roof and was conducted for the first time in the summer semester of 2021.
The next survey will take place in the summer semester of 2025. In the first survey round, approximately 180.000 students from a total of 250 universities participated in the survey.
‘The Student Survey in Germany’ is, among other things, the data basis for the long-term observation of the social and economic situation of students in Germany. The detailed results report, written by DZHW researchers, can be found here.
All other publications can be found here.
The student survey in Germany ...
... is the most comprehensive student survey in Germany to date and deals with a wide range of topics relating to studying.
... provides an important basis for decision-making and data for various stakeholders: for education and higher education policy in Germany, for universities, for student services associations, for students.
... is a central component of education monitoring in Germany. The data supplement the official statistics with information that no other source offers.
... includes a wide range of information on the university landscape, the study situation and the challenges in times of digitalization.
... provides science, universities, student services associations and the interested public with an empirical basis for consulting and research purposes.
... also takes into account small groups of students, for example students with children or students with disabilities that make it difficult to study, students on dual or part-time degree courses, students without a school-based higher education entrance qualification.
... is sensitive to issues of diversity and social inequality.
... selects its participants at random in order to be able to make representative statements and assures the students complete anonymity.
... continues traditional empirical research series such as the “Social Survey” (since 1951), the “Student Survey” (since 1982), “EUROSTUDENT” (since 2000) or “beeinträchtigt studieren” (since 2006).
... is compatible with international studies.
Mail Save-the-Date
01, August 2024August 2024
Digital workshop for universities on content and process
01, October 20244th quarter 2024
Postal invitation with registration form and further information
01, October 2024October 2024
Selection of the sample
01, April 2025with the support of the DZHW
Data collection phase
01, May 2025From May 2025
- Sending of the e-mail invitation
- Reminders for participation
Data preparation and data analysis by the DZHW
01, September 2025From September 2025
Social and economic framework conditions

- Gender, origin, and migration
- Family and health situation
- Employment and financial situation
- Housing
- And other topics
Studies and study conditions

- Study organisation and conditions
- Study requirements in the digital semester
- Internationalisation and digitalisation
- Performances and acquisition of competences
- And other topics
Attitudes and participation

- Career and life goals
- Equal opportunities
- Free speech
- political orientations
- social and political involvement
- And other issues
Education and career paths

- Previous educational biography
- Study progression, transfers and dropout
- Study planning and success
- Job and career planning
- And further topics
Social Survey http://www.sozialerhebung.de/ (German and English)
best = Studying with impairments https://best-umfrage.de/
EUROSTUDENT www.eurostudent.eu
Current project publications can be found here.